About The Clergy Convocation

On September 16-18 at the Pilgrim Pines Camp and Retreat Center in Swanzey, NH, Clergy Convocation will be a time to gather with colleagues and reflect together on the changing nature and experience of “being called”- 

How has this changed (or not) for us over time?

How have we been surprised and disappointed? 

Together, how do we foster staying power- choosing to engage in ministry and life with joy and resilience?

Our Presenter

Leanne Tigert is our presenter. Leanne has been engaged in active ministry in various setting for 40 years, and is now semi- retired. She has served in parish ministry, as seminary adjunct faculty, on national committees, as a pastoral psychotherapist, as author/ co- author of several books, and facilitator of the conference MID PLDG group. These days she can be found playing music in Celtic circles, on hiking trails, and playing with her grandchildren.


  • Covers entire duration of event, lodging and meals.

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